
Each volume of the Drug Court Review will be organized in three sections (outlined below). Manuscripts for full-length original research articles or brief reports, scholarly reviews, or case studies will be considered. Submissions focusing on issues of women in treatment courts will be accepted under section 1a). Scholarly manuscripts related to other treatment court-relevant topics (e.g., drug testing, case management, cost analysis, program evaluation, legal issues, application of incentives and sanctions, assessment, and treatment strategies, etc.) will be considered in section 1b). In addition, scholars may submit manuscripts under the research spotlight and expert commentary sections.


Drug Court Review Article Types

  1. Research in the Field:
    1. articles organized around the theme of women in treatment courts
    2. articles regarding treatment courts not related to the theme


  1. Research Spotlight:
    • An overview of an article focusing on treatment courts that was published in another peer-reviewed journal.
    • The focus of all research spotlights will be on the major findings & implications for research, policy, practice, etc.


  1. Expert Commentary:
    • An overview of what we know about a specific topic relevant to treatment courts.
    • The focus of expert commentary pieces will be on what we know and what we still need to know, with the hope that readers will take up these research questions in future studies.


Manuscripts should focus on the applications and implications of research findings and should minimize the use of scientific or technical jargon. The deadline for manuscript submissions is Friday, December 15, 2023. Manuscripts are submitted through the Drug Court Review online submission portal.  Author guidelines and instructions for accessing the Drug Court Review online submission portal are found here. Please direct inquiries to the editor at